JRF Agronomy.

Validity : 6 months
  • Recorded Classes
  • Downloadable PDF & Video
  • Test Series (Total 10 Test)
  • Validity: 6 Months
  • Digital classes

This course will valid for 6 months from the date you buy. This course will cover all the syllabus for the entrance test conducted by ICAR for admission in M.Sc. For any kind of information you can call us on our contact number. You can login to one device only, device changing without prior permission will be chargeable. There is no refund policy in any situation after buying the course, In case of any doubt please call us at 9828822277/95200-90200 to clarify everything.

Demo Videos
Lecture - 5 (Apiculture, Sericulture & Lac Culture)
Lecture-3 (Irrigation, Agrometeorology, Draught)
Agricultural Engineering -2
Agricultural Extension-2
Lecture-2 (Soil Water and Plant Nutrients)
Lecture-2 (Basic Terminology)
Lecture-1 (Mendel's Law)
Agricultural Engineering-1
Lecture-1 (Animal husbandry)
Soil Science-1
Lec-1 ( Plant Pathology)
Animal husbandry Lec.-1
Agricultural Economics-1
Lec.-1 (Soil Properties)
Soil Science-1
Horticulture-1 (Introduction)
Lec.-1 (Introduction & objectives of Plant Breeding)
Lec-1 ( Plant Pathology)
Animal husbandry Lec.-1
Agricultural Economics-1
Lecture-1 (Agricultural Forestry)
Agronomy-2(factor affecting crop production-1)
Soil Science - 2
Lec.-2( Gene, history)
Lec.-2 (Plant Pathology)
Animal husbandry Lec.-2
Agricultural Economics-2
Lec-2 (Soil Properties)
Agronomy-2(factor affecting crop production-1)
Soil Science - 2
Lec.-2 (Conservation & Gene Banks)
Lec-2 (Biotechnology)
Lec.-2 (Plant Pathology)
Animal husbandry Lec.-2
Agricultural Economics-2
Agronomy-3(Seed and sowing)
Soil Science-3
Lec-3 (Cell division)
Lec.-3 (Plant Pathology)
Animal husbandry Lec.-3
Lec-3 (Soil Properties)
Agronomy-3(Seed and sowing)
Agricultural Economics-1 by Simar sir
Agronomy(Rice crop)-1
Agronomy(Wheat Crop)